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What is the value of patient market research?

A deeper understanding of the patient experience is invaluable for pharmaceutical companies seeking to deliver next generation therapies. After all, patients have a unique perspective on disease and treatment, a view that is often ignored and always very different from the experience of the healthcare professionals who treat them.

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Patients have an intimate relationship with their diseases and have often experienced several therapy options, and patient market research can provide a huge wealth of information and insight on how disease and treatment impacts patients’ everyday lives.

Medical fieldwork agency GKA has more than 20 years’ experience in recruiting patients for a wide range of studies using an array of research methodologies. Whether from a central location or in-home, using online blogs or video diaries, there are a huge number of ways of capturing patient insights. Ethnographic studies that observe patients in their own homes are increasing in prominence, as such studies track such important issues as compliance.

By recording what the patient is experiencing and by better understanding the challenges of a disease or treatment, companies are better placed to tailor their treatments to the specific needs of patients. In the increasingly tough economic environment, it has never been more important to get a drug or device right first time, and patient-focused medical market research can provide unique and invaluable input into the development process.

We have experience in recruiting patients in an extensive range of therapy areas. As a result we have created a series of Therapy Area Guides to illustrate to you how we recruit patients for medical market research. To download these guides, click here.