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The mobile revolution and its impact on healthcare market research

The benefits of mobile methodologies are well-known – convenience for participants, improved participation rates, getting closer to the’moment of truth,’ reaching more of the population, faster turnaround time, increased data accuracy and reduced costs, to name but a few. Because, in mobile research, the quality of the user experience is everything. After all, the better the user experience, the better quality the responses.


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GKA Mobile for Healthcare Market Research


In a nutshell, respondents like mobile; they can use it on the move, in dead time during the day, at lunchtime or in the evening. Plus, the technology enables tasks that are significantly more engaging than sitting at a desktop computer filling out a survey, tasks that are fluid and utilise the creativity of the respondent, boosting engagement.


In developing its new mobile platform, healthcare market research fieldwork agency GKA has done the legwork so clients don’t need to. GKA Mobile is a flexible and robust platform that provides access to patients and healthcare professionals in a live, interactive setting that’s always on, delivering genuine insights into the lives of patients and capturing real-time experiences of physicians in a clinical setting.


The platform adapts to the needs of the project, engaging populations from 1 to 1,000 over any study duration using a wide range of methodologies. GKA Mobile delivers both high-quality qualitative information, through mobile video diaries, uploaded pictures or blog posts, and quick quantitative data through surveys and live polling. What’s more, clients can engage with their mobile communities, using task-based interactive brainstorming or discussion/chat-based tasks to get feedback on concepts or to prompt new ideas and fresh approaches. The flexibility of the platform also allows it to be adapted over time to match the changing needs and requirements of a brand.


While GKA’s healthcare market research mobile communities can be run over extended periods of time, they are not fixed, and the platform can adapt to the changing needs and requirements of a brand. A vital element of the service is that clients retain full control; once GKA has recruited patients and healthcare professional to the mobile community, clients can decide what level of involvement they want, including moderating the community themselves.